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“In marketing… advertising is the  “flare up” of a match that doesn’t last; PR is the “flame” …which burns so much longer”.  – C. Kirven

Words DO Matter” – C. Kirven

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PR Ponderings

– Poor communicators think everything is an argument.

News is not news.  “News” is what the media WANTS you to believe.

– Remember, most studies are paid for by government grants or individuals/companies who have an agenda. Those receiving the money need to justify the money by “finding” the results that got them the grant to begin with.

– Write every email and every text as if it will be read in court.

Social Media for the most part is not news or useful information, but just propaganda.

–  It is 2023, let’s see just how far we will allow the ridiculousness of stupid people take society.

–  Most individuals do not have the character to admit when they are wrong.  They will only manufacture a rationalization as to why they were somehow right.

–  Liars believe everyone lies.

–  Imagine a medical school accepting an individual because of skin color, gender dysphoria, preferred pronoun (which are all in fact, discrimination), or any other ludicrous reason rather than the smartest, best qualified regardless of skin color, etc.

– Isn’t it amazing that some people speak as if they are an authority on subjects they know nothing about?

– How can you tell when a liar is not lying?

– A gun, like any other source of power, is a force for either good or evil, being neither in itself, but dependent upon those who possess it. (Colt .45 1950)

– If you will not take the time or make the effort to find out the real truth for yourself… be careful who you let do your thinking for you.

– Here’s a polite and courteous suggestion:  Treat emails as a conversation.  When someone sends you an email, do the courteous and respond, even if it is just a “thank you”.

– When someone says…“It’s just business”… it is just a poor excuse for acting badly.

– The trouble with a hysterical fool is that they attracted more hysterical fools!

– Don’t confuse your self interest as a benefit to mankind.

– Rewriting history does not change history.

– You may not like our history, the people, or their actions, but if it were not for that history… you might not even be here.

– Bureaucrats will blindly follow whatever set of rules they are told to follow even if doing so leads them to take completely illogical or patently nonsensical actions.

– Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.

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